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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Quantum Pendant anyone?

Good day or night all ^^.

Today topic would be the Quantum Pendant. What is Quantum Pendant?

Quantum Pendant is a necklace made from natural minerals that are fused and structurally bonded together at a molecular level.

So why is it so special?

It produces scalar energy that helps to enhance the body’s biofield. The Quantum Pendant promotes positive flow of energy and helps to maintain energy balance. It helps to restore energy that has become weak in the body. By restoring the energy balance in the body this pendant helps one to maintain health and well-being.

I've been using Quantum Pendant since 2009. The most noticeable affect is that I can sleep early (having sleep problem for a long time) and also it shorten up my short of breath recovery in sport.

I do some digging in the web and found other benefits of the pendant :-

  • Increased energy levels
  • Increased strength
  • Enhanced immune function
  • Improved concentration and focus
  • Shorter healing time
  • A deeper and more restful sleep
  • And protection against the harmful effects of EMF energies.
and from scientist study, the pendant also :-

  • Improves circulation
  • Enhances cell permeability
  • Enhances cellular nutrition and detoxification
  • Promotes the unclumping of cells
  • Reduces headaches and migraines
  • Helps protect DNA from damage
  • Improves sporting performance and physical prowess
  • Reduces joint pain and arthritis
  • Reduces inflammation
  • And may help reduce hypertension and high blood pressure.

Those picture above are my Quantum Pendant. Notice the small break at the edge of the pendant. It means that I've already wear it for a long period. ^^v

Every Quantum Pendant has its own individual serial number and is part of a LIMITED SERIES.

Above: Benefits of the Quantum Pendant Video

Above: Scalar Energy Pendant creating biofield



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