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Monday, May 21, 2012

Quit Smoking or Die Trying

Smoking according to wikipedia is a practice in which a substance, most commonly tobacco or cannabis, is burned and the smoke is tasted or inhaled. This is primarily practised as a route of administration for recreational drug use, as combustion releases the active substances in drugs such as nicotine and makes them available for absorption through the lungs. It can also be done as a part of rituals, to induce trances and spiritual enlightenment

Realizing the ill effects of smoking, no doubt that many smokers are looking for easy ways to quit smoking. But the warning must be given, if you have been smoking for several years, you'll definitely find it hard to quit smoking. The nicotine found in cigarettes is highly addictive and this addiction cause quitting smoking a hard fought battle.

Quitting smoking needs tremendous sacrifice and commitment from the smoker in order to win over the power of nicotine addiction. The smoker itself must really want to cut the deadly habit and they must act on it in a timely manner. You cannot quit smoking if you're going to put it off time and again - you must do it at once. The largest success rates of smoke quitters are those who decide to quit cold turkey.

Luckily, there are easy ways to quit smoking that you can try to help you kick off the habit. Some of these ways may work well with one person but completely useless for others. You should find ways that suit you best and work with it.

1. Quitting gradually. Some people who have successfully kicked off the habit say that they slowly wean themselves from smoking few sticks at a time. This way, you can condition your mind into thinking that your body needs less and less nicotine by the minute. But you must see to it that your final quit date is no longer than 2 weeks from your starting date to cut down smoke.

2. Seek family and friends support. You need all the help you can get when you want to quit smoking. Let your friends and family know that you want to quit smoking and you are actively trying to do so. They can keep you busy and take your mind off from picking a stick.

3. Seek doctor's help. There are medications your doctor can prescribe you to help you wean from smoking. You need to consider this option as nicotine addiction can be effectively flushed with medication.

4. Develop a diversion. Discover new interest that will occupy your time and your mind away from smoking. You can join sports and recreation camps to divert your energy and your attention from your addiction.

The easy ways to quit smoking can only help you if you yourself are decided to quit smoking. If you're flailing and you lack determination for your goal, no amount of easy ways to quit smoking tips can help you stop this addiction.

Pick up a book on easy ways to quit smoking that has helped 96% of users stop smoking at my health blog.

Davion advocates healthy living. Having a brother who smokes incessantly has given him motivation to help smokers who want to quit smoking. Find out how you can pick up some useful tips and an easy way to quit smoking book at dedicated to all smokers.

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1 comment:

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