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Friday, April 11, 2014

yoku merepek psl TZM pada hari ini

1. Oleh kerana boring2 dan blm tfikir utk kc tukar charging system moto kt dari magneto pg alternator.. Why? pernah ka terfikir knpa tu motor2 mcm NSR atau FXR wiring lampu dorg direct pg bateri manakala tzm punya dari magneto. Klu ikut dari diagram wiring moto kita, wayar lampu dia tap pg magneto yang mana kc keluar AC.Knpa xtap pg bateri saja? Sebab kita pnya charging system guna magneto untuk kc hasil elektrik/current yang mana magneto kurang efisien untuk mencaj balik bateri klu guna direct pg lampu. silap2 servo trus nda jalan. berbanding klu guna alternator..mcm kereta la tp xsilap klu motor dia guna permenant magnet juga..permenant magnet alternator lebih efisien klu carging bateri dlm keadaan low rpm(current dia tinggi)..jadi kc idle dia suda memadai utk kc caj bateri dia kot?downside alternator ni klu bateri dia dead mmg xbuli start langsung la..xpasti la klu moto mcm mna..possibility tuk convert pd moto kt? mungkin boleh klu ada 1 moto tz utk diprojek n bahan yang cukup..klu dpt convert maka kt akan dpt faedah.....lampu lg terang n boleh direct bateri...bateri kt nda mudah weak..electrical system spt pv n cdi sentiasa mantap...dll kot? hahaha

2..YCLS..knpa dorg buang? dlu sy pn dkt mau buang tu ycls..nasip nda jadi buang. klu cdi ori dia ada function untuk control ycls ikut rpm. tp setelah sekian lama pakai ni ycls, mcm ni ycls controller dr cdi constant jak dia pnya on/off..mcm xikut rpm jak..fungsi ycls ni sbnarnya menyekat kemasukan 2t ke dlm intake. klu ori cdi dia tutup 6 saat buka 2 saat n seterusnya.knpa slalu yg pki ycls ni blh jem? klu kmu buka tu 'do not remove' atau ycls akan ada 1 besi d dalam yg dikawal oleh caj elektrik. bila ada caj elektrik, ni besi akan naik n bila xda dia akan turun. bila besi ni naik, dia tutup lubang pg msk intake n 2t akan masuk balik dlm tangki. ni besi yg biasanya akan stuck dan membuatkan xda aliran 2t masuk ke dalam intake n seterusnya jem...ini boleh dihindari dengan membuat fail-safe punya sambungan. biar 2t lebih sikit jgn jak jem.

3..minyak enjin 4t vs minyak 2t..klu mesin 4t biasanya kt akan beli minyak yang mahal..sebab apa?itu minyak akan pg dinding blox tuk kc lincir/sejuk piston/ring. tp pada tz, ni minyak 4t akan pg area2 gear, bearing, clutch n dia xakan pg piston kecuali oilseal sudah bocor la.haha..4t ni dlm 2stroke blh la tukar 2x setahun xsilap..ada yg 8000km baru tukar..jgn jak pakai yg ada friction modifier(kereta punya)..sebab ini akan bg kesan sma kt pnya wet clutch. 2 stroke ni 2t yg plg penting..jgn jak pki 2t bwh rm5 1liter piston n ring pantang 100km kot? blox baru dlm 1000km..xpasti pula klu conrod bearing baru?

4. setting carb? yoku pn sebenarnya xpandai jg setting carb..bertaun2 belajar setting nda jg dpt yg cun2..mcm mana kamu tau carb kmu perlu jetting sdh? bila moto kmu nda dpt setting sdh..berabis tutup berabis buka lubang 2 jg..maka kmu perlu jetting sdh 2..apaka 2 jetting? jetting ni melibatkan penukaran jet2 dlm carb. slow jet/pilot jet n main jet slalu kna tukar. setting yg mantap adalah bukaan angin dia 1 1/2 nda kira la apa pilot jet dia pki. untuk mula setting, kt akan mula dgn pilot jet dlu..pilot jet ni pada low rpm/pickup..dpt sdh jetting lawa dlm bukaan angin kurang dpd 2 pusingan atau lebih dari .5 pusingan maka boleh laa bertukar kepada main jet..main jet pula kena main ngan warna plug..main jet ni dari mid ke max pnya rpm..dpt warna coklet gelap mantap sdh 2...pas tu tgk pula mid dia..mid klu ada semput2 biasanya minyak lebih..bagi naik pg atas tu takuk jarum..klu lebih lg naik lg..klu msh lebih pas naik kc turun ckit tu mainjet..balik tengah tu takuk jarum..dan mcm 2 la..plg sandi ni mau angkat tu tank..celako btl..klu fulltank lg..d sana la kmu memaki2 klu perut lapar..wakakak..setting angin adalah berbeza mengikut cuaca n mengikut ketinggian paras laut.. kenapa? itu adalah mengikut berapa bnyk oksigen dalam udara..jgn float level kena set balik pg stended..

5. reed valve... reed valve klu ikut teori dia..dia membenarkan minyak masuk dlm enjin one way..mksdnya masuk jak..kuar pg carb xboleh..hehe..cek2 bacaan reed valve kmu pnya stopper ka xsilap 2..itu pn ada dia pnya ukuran max pnya dlu sy tukul jak balik kc jd stended pnya ukuran

6. mau cek bateri klu caging ka nda? sinang jak ba 2..ambik multitester...set scale dia pg 20DC..kc kana tu dia pnya probe..merah positif n hitam negatif..rem moto kmu spi 5k rpm. klu dia naik pg 13v caging la dia 2. klu nda naik..alamat rectifier mau ganti atau charging coil d magneto dia sdh kong..

7. pawer valve..setting power valve senang shaa...itu lubang d atas tu pulley kc kna lubang d blok..pas tu kc ketat dia pnya kabel..sinang karaja..

cukupla merepek pada hari ini.......

Monday, April 7, 2014

Tips for losing weight

If you've been trying to lose weight for some time you know how hard it can sometimes be to simply get motivated to lose weight and more importantly to keep it off.

I've been there myself. For years I struggled with "trying to lose weight" and lack of motivation.

I knew I needed to lose weight. I wanted to lose weight but after a long day's work I simply wanted to relax on the couch and order some take out food.

Getting some exercise or even having a healthy meal was just so hard to do. I'd then feel guilty and ashamed of myself for lacking any motivation or will-power.

I struggled with how to get motivated to lose weight until I discovered a few simple ways that got me off that couch, that stopped me from eating the wrong foods and got me to do the "simple things" I needed to do to lose weight and keep it from coming back.

1. I clearly identified "Why" I wanted to lose weight in the first place.
So, to follow in my foot steps ask yourself "Why do I want to lose weight?" Then write down the reasons "Why" you want to lose weight on a piece of paper or better yet in a journal. it now. And make this the first day that you absolutely start your weight loss process.

1. Be very SPECIFIC about your reasons.

2. Talk about it in the "present tense" like it is already happening.

The more SPECIFIC you get, the more REAL it will be for YOU. Relate your reasons to your present life rather than in the distant future. What do you want NOW and exactly why do you want it?

You should be able to PICTURE your reasons "Why?" visually.

For example:

I'm losing weight so I can have a slimmer face, clear and glowing skin.

Versus: I want to lose weight so I can look better.

My husband or my boyfriend or my crush notice and complement me for how great I look.

Versus: I want people to notice and pay attention to me.

I'm more confident when I talk to my boss at work and I can see how he appreciates the great work I'm doing.

Versus: I can be more confident about myself

See what's happening here?... The more SPECIFIC you're getting to "Why?" you want to lose weight and the more your reasons relate to your present life, the more you get motivated to lose weight and actually making it happen RIGHT NOW.

2. Surround yourself with the right PEOPLE that keep you motivated to lose weight.

Being around the right people all the time is critical to getting and staying motivated to lose weight.

You know there's a saying that goes like.... "tell me who your 5 closest friends are and I'll tell you who you are"

Who you spend time with and surround yourself with makes a huge difference in the actions you take and the habits you form.

Just hang out with slim people long enough and you'll POSITIVELY see the difference in yourself.

If your 5 best friends are slim and fit and you surround yourself with slim people, then there's only 1 of 2 things that can happen.

1. They develop the habits to put on weight or 2. You get influenced to lose weight and become more "like them".

You will subconsciously do the things you need to lose weight from just surrounding yourself with the right people.

Be around positive, reinforcing people. People that support and re-assure you. Stay away from negative people even if they are your current best friends and family!

Negativity can pull you down. But positive vibrations from positive people will lift you up and keep you on track and motivated to keep losing weight and staying healthy.

Start today by associating yourself with the right people online. Your Facebook friends, YouTube friends and even weight loss support groups and communities online will help you with how to get motivated to lose weight and stay motivated.

3. Put together your 2 "What If?...." sheets NOW.

What if I do...? And What if I don't...? On your What if I do...? sheet write down at the top...

"These are GREAT CHANGES that are going to happen to me starting 1) tomorrow, 2) within 2 months and 3) in 1 to 2 years."

Then write down every single GOOD CHANGE you can imagine that will happen to you in the immediate, short term and long term time frames....if you START TAKING ACTION NOW to lose weight.

So for example:

On the What if I do...? sheet you could be writing things like....

- Tomorrow I will feel great about having started to take the actions to lose weight. I will stop feeling guilty. Instead I'm more empowered since I'm on the right track.

- Tomorrow I will simply wake up feeling better and more energetic since I'm going to eat right tonight.

- Within 2 months from today I will have lost XXX (enter your specific goal) pounds or kilos.

- Within 2 months from today, my boyfriend/ my husband will be telling me how I'm losing weight and looking great!

- Within 1 year I'll be shopping for those new clothes that perfectly fit my hourglass figure.

- Within 1 year, I'll be talking about my own weight loss success story and inspiring so many others to follow in my foot steps.

- Within 1 year I'll have so much more energy to play with my kids, spend more quality time with my husband and do so many more fun activities.

Now on your 2nd sheet, write down all the THINGS you can imagine that will happen if you DON'T TAKE ACTION NOW to lose weight...

At the end of each sentence also write..... I will not let this happen.

So for example:

On the What if I don't...? sheet you could be writing things like....

- Tomorrow I will feel guilty again for not doing anything to start losing weight. I will not feel good knowing that I'm not on the right track. I will not let this happen.

- Tomorrow I will wake up feeling tired and lethargic again! I'll have a hard time getting out of bed and feel low energy. I will not let this happen.

- In 2 months from today I will be the same. Worse, I could have gained more weight. I'll be scared to stand on the scale and embarrassed with myself. I will not let this happen.

- In 2 months from today my husband will still not see any changes in me and I'll be the same weight and have the same body. I'll feel like I'm letting him down and myself down again. I will not let this happen.

- In 1 year's time I'll still be wearing clothes to "try" to hide my weight and appear thin. I'll be self conscious about going in public and meeting new people because of my weight. I will not let this happen.

- In 1 year's time my boyfriend may not find me physically attractive anymore and may want to leave me. I may have a hard time finding a "significant other" that thinks I'm attractive and wants to be with me. I will not let this happen.

Now that you've written down all the things you can imagine, you have a vivid and clear picture for getting motivated to lose weight. Be aware of your 2 "What If..." lists. Read your lists 3 times a week.

See what's happening? Yes, you're getting motivated to lose weight NOW even as you're reading your lists.

Keep doing this and you'll find yourself taking ACTION. Then your habits are changing quickly. Then you start SEEING RESULTS.

As soon as you see RESULTS, you REINFORCE your actions and that in turn motivates you to take more action. And this is a powerful positive cycle to be in.

I, Dr Ashok Patil guarantee you that you will:

1. get motivated to lose weight

2. start taking the right actions to lose weight and keep it off

3. never want to look back - so you'll stay motivated.

I'm committed to helping you lose weight and helping you live your best life now. I'm here to inform you, encourage you and be by your side as you get motivated to lose weight. Talk to me, leave comments and share your results with me on my blog post []

Dr. Ashok Patil has dedicated several years of his life towards coaching and mentoring thousands of people worldwide to lose weight, keep it off, increase their energy levels and lead an optimally healthy life. He has implemented what he teaches himself, introduced it to his own family with results and is on an ever growing mission of helping people worldwide lose weight and live a healthier and longer life.

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Why did I smoke in the first place?

Have you ever thought about why you smoke? The answer to this question is important and can make a big difference in your success at quitting smoking. As a smoker I really never thought about why I smoked. When I felt cravings, anger, sad, and bored I typically would have a cigarette. It seemed to do the job and make me feel better. The craving would go away and if I were angry or sad it seemed to make me feel better. So why is this?

Years ago I starting smoking in high school because it was the cool thing to do. Back then I smoked only to smoke. After awhile I became addicted to the nicotine so I ended up smoking because I was addicted. Over the years I discovered that smoking helped with other areas of my life such as dealing with my feelings and emotional circumstances. Now I was smoking not only because I was addicted to nicotine but also it was my daily crutch.

Once I was able to figure out the reasons why I smoked I was able to better prepare myself for quitting. By journaling when and why I smoked I was able to compile a list of the types of situations, feeling, and times that I really wanted to smoke. This list became the foundation for my quit smoking program.

Beyond the obvious addiction to nicotine I knew I had to change my thinking about smoking. Yes, smoking did have short-term benefits to get me through difficult times but in the long run I just felt guilty for smoking. I discovered that there are healthier ways to deal with the circumstances that made me want to smoke. If you are not sure how to deal with things without smoking look to see what other people do. There is a vast amount of information and support groups available that can help you in this area of quitting smoking.

By knowing the reasons why I smoked I was able to find specific information and tools to incorporate into my daily life and thinking that helped me quit smoking. Millions of people get through life fine without smoking, I discovered that I too could be one of these people. By identifying the reasons why you smoke before you quit smoking you can be ready to handle most circumstances upon quitting.

Visit Jason D's website for additional information on the Quit Smoking Programs and Effective Ways to Quit Smoking.

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Ride video from Tambunan to Inobong

Started my ride at Kg. Sunsuron Tambunan. The weather was fine that day. The purpose of this ride is to test my nokia helmet camera as well as to test the new jetting of my carb.

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