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Saturday, October 9, 2010

Playing basketball can increase your height?

There has been a debut about this topic. Can you grow taller by playing basketball? While googling for the answer, I found this page. It is not a professional page but based on his opinion or theory which I'm agreed to. Well in that page it says that some people call basketball as "the ultimate height accelerator". Playing basketball increases your height in addition to keeping your body fit.

When you jump to reach the ball or basket, a natural reaction takes place in your bones, the fibers of the bones start to loosen up and expand, increasing the length of the bones. Playing basket-ball when you hadn’t done any weight training exercises in the past results in exceptional height increase. And even if you had done some exercise in the past and play basket ball, your height will increase. If you are below the age of 18 you may increase you height by 6 to 15cms in just 6 months!

:: I just highlight the important statement. The rest you can read here :

There are also some people that say basketball will do nothing to your height. They said that it is all in your genes. In my point of view, maybe it is also be true. People that born dwarf still be dwarf even though they play basketball. There also some opinion on this forum that I agree. This is just the important statement:-

:: "
I also think the overall health of a person is sort of a factor as well as some exercise ... especially stretching. I also think that when we were younger ... those who are smaller than me probably didn't drink enough milk. Even I think I should of. I also heard breast milk as a baby is essential to one's growth and development " ::

:: "about basketball ... it does make you run and jump, which exercises your legs and overall muscles but just like soccer or track and field ... does it neccessarily mean they're taller? Mentally ... there's the idea that you should be tall to play basketball, so alot of people who want to play will think about height. I think a certain height mentality, is one factor, and also distance perception ... that the farther something is, the more you want to stretch out (example: when you want to get the ball in the net so you
stretch your arms out, whether you're throwing from afar or a slam dunk). These activities naturally encourage your arms to stretch and your legs also get exercise all the time from it ... although the leg activity may make the legs stronger ... but longer? Maybe ... I dunno ... a main thing to look at is were most basketball players already tall, or did they get so tall from playing? " ::

The rest you can read here :

For me, I play basketball because I enjoyed it and also to stay fit and healthy. And if you ask me about this topic? Well, It does increase my height only by few cms (^^)

1 comment:

  1. It was really insightful.
    Thanks for such a nice content.
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