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Friday, September 11, 2009

tired and sleepy

Today(after I post this, the date should be there rite?)..What a day..

Wake up as early as 6.30a.m(yeah..early) then sleep again then wake up again at 7.15am..Got claz at 8.00am. At class, don't really get what the lecturer trying to teach as still in blurry mood. No matter la..Then I submitted the unfinished assignment. Still wondering how can I finished that assignment if I dont even know how to do it..Blur..blur..

After class..I go and check the cafe..Still not open hard la like this, how to eat. The chinese cafe is always full and I dont have the willingness to wait there..

Then 10.00a.m. Got Lab again. Learn how to connect, upload and run the program into this DSP board. Forgot the name but have the picture of the board. Despite of doing this experiment alone, it was successful.Thanks God for that. Then 12.25p.m..Still the cafe not open..Damn, today is friday. Last bus for the afternoon would be at 12.30P.M and start again at 3.00p.m or maybe 4.00p.m. that time, all the sanyuks and kais will be gone..So my plan for going out is cancelled.

1.30p.m at my room...Eat only mooncake+hard cake + bread + sugarfree tea..This should holds up for a while. Then chatting in FaceBook. Then something pops up in my mind(forgot what) that made me read the reviews of my laptop. After reading some of them, found out that there are new drivers for my Nvidia GEforce 9100MG. Took approx 2hrs (using flashget [imagine if i dont have flashget])to download it from Nvidia's Web. Installed the driver..The first thing I notice that, when I do the benchmark test for the physix..the FPS is a little higher than before the update. Tried play 'WarMonger' which tested my cuda and psysix engine..Less lag..tried 'Left 4 death' ~ ouch..much my conclusion, this update fixes some bugs and it makes my graphic more..what to say..less laggy??

6.15p.m, ate 3 pieces of bread and rest for a while..6.30p.m, goin jogging about 3kms..funny that even tho i dont eat rice, still have the energy to complete the 3km jogg. But of course, exhausted..ekeke..Luckily my friend tapau a sasau+rice for me this evening...feels so better after eating it.

Nothing to say..nothing to do...So lazy at this time. I've already turned off my light so typing in dark. Feels tired and sleepy but I dont know why I cannot sleep.. Maybe forget to do something or want to do something but dont have the guts to do that? What is that thing? ekeke..I want to merepek here as long as I can but I dont know what to write anymore :P.

Then, I remembered this one dusun teasing song..It is about a guy want to flirt with this taukeh kayu balak daughter...wakakaka..heard this when i was still small...till now i still remember it clearly..

Then again...Yui...Her voice..yes, i do listen to her soundtrack..I 1st admire her when i saw her singing in "taiyou no uta" ~ "たいよう の うた" movie..Adore her voice..keep playing in my mind..ekekeke...Ouch, backpain..damn, lately I often got this backpain(it is more like my spine is hurting)..dont know why..maybe getting older :D..

So after this what to do again? maybe FBing..checking my skype..chekcing my movie..see la..dont really know what to do..

well until next be continued :D

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