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Thursday, September 10, 2009

scratching and dreaming

Actually the real title is Dancing and Dreamin' by Hinoi Team. Quite a nice MV..In fact very nice, loves the way they dance and singing. :P ..

Ok, as for today..As I've mentioned got this Control System lab test..1stly i tot it was a computer test..By computer test i mean doing the test in computer using MATLAB software. As the computer in the lab booted into windows, Matlab software cannot be found is a written test. Luckily i've revise some of the equations the night before so can answer laa.. BTW, the lab test consists of 4 questions.. 2 questions are calculation..and others writing matlab it is quite easy if i've done the lab before and yes i've done the lab. So enough about the test..Now I'm getting ready for my harware lab..Should be on 2 o'clock but because of using the public transport, have to go early..ekekeke..

Should be no problem about the hardware part...Hentam discussion and conclusion will be the biggest problem coz im lazy doing ideas of doing conclusion n discussion..and the hardest part i only ate mooncake+hard cake+tea for my breakfast and lunch and dont know if it can hold until 9p.m...yes, i usually eat at 9.p.m. after rest..

dont know today if i want to jogg or not..see la..if got energy then go..the day before, i finished ~3km about 12mins..running because it is already no idea to write be continued..

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